행사 상세 정보 :
물리 초청세미나
주제 : Ultralightweight Hybrid Refractive/Diffractive MODE Telescopes for Space Applications
발 표 요 약 :
Progress in development of a multiple-order diffractive engineered (MODE) lens as applied to space telescopes, where an ultralightweight primary lens is used instead of a mirror, is presented. Precision glass molding is used to fabricate a prototype 0.24 m diameter primary lens, and advanced alignment technology is used to bond lens segments into a ridged, monolithic structure. The primary lens is used in an f/4.17 telescope with a color corrector that provides diffraction-limited imaging over the astronomical R-band of wavelengths (589 nm to 727 nm) and +/- 0.125° field of view. Fabrication data, alignment results, and imaging experiments are presented.
연 사 : 김영식 교수 (Univ. of Arizona)
일 시 : 2024년 8월 30일(금요일) 오후 3시
장 소 : 자연대 4호관 215호(세미나실)
입자-광자 초정밀 측정 고급인력양성사업팀
전 남 대 학 교 물 리 학 과